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How A3C Contributes to Cardano

  1. FREE tech support:
    • A3C donates their time to provide free tech support, branding/marketing, and social media advice to anyone in need. They're here to help you navigate the Cardano ecosystem.​
  2. Partnership Perks:
    • A3C Pool focuses on forging partnerships to bring you incredible perks as a delegator. From HOSKY ISPO to Muesliswap ADA holding pool, dridropz droperator pool, tosidrop, vending machine, and more, they strive to enhance your Cardano experience.
  3. Onboarding New Users:
    • A3C Pool takes the time to onboard new users through personalized one-on-one sessions, introducing them to the world of Cardano. They're dedicated to making your journey into Cardano smooth and enjoyable.​
  4. Informative Content:
    • A3C Pool provides informative YouTube instructional videos, ensuring you have access to quality information and reliable news about Cardano. They keep you in the loop with the latest updates.
  5. Linktree Portal:
    • A3C Pool has created an informative Linktree portal where you can find important links, including IOG documents and other essential resources. Everything you need to know about Cardano is just a click away.
  6. Airdrops and Rewards:
    • A3C Pool airdrops 2.5% margin rewards to delegators every month. Additionally, they surprise delegators with monthly airdrops of NFTs and tokens
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