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Technical Services
HOSKY & Gnomeskie NFT TRAIT Guide
All traits below offer extra HOSKY tokens to A3C holders, up to 2x for HOSKY NFTs and up to 60x for Gnomeskies.
Use Links Below to navigate to secondary marketplace to see what's available to purchase.
How to Stake/delegate ADA in 3 steps
At A3C we do not recommend staking with an exchange or a non official Cardano wallet, why, Read this.
Step 1: Install & Setup a Cardano wallet.
Choose 1 of the 2 official Cardano wallets, Yoroi or Daedalus, see safe download links & videos below, note that Daedalus does not have a mobile wallet.
Step 2: Transfer ADA to Cardano wallet.
Once your wallet is setup you will need to transfer your ADA to your wallet. Below is a video example moving ADA from NDAX exchange to a Yoroi mobile wallet. Note that if you are not using NDAX the process is the same in regards to retrieving your "RECEIVE" address from your wallet and using that as your send to address in your exchange.
Step 3: Stake/delegate to stake pool.
Below are videos on how to stake your ADA. When the wallet asks which stake pool to search for feel free to input your desired stake pool or join A3C's stake pool & help us grow & change lives.
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